Sunday, September 27, 2009

We Have Lift Off

Most of my mornings go like this: 7:30 my alarm sounds. I hop up, jump in the shower, and by the time I get out the baby is waking. I grab her, get her fed and dressed, and plop her down on a quilt in the middle of the living room where she gladly sits and plays in a basket full of toys while I finish getting ready for work. It's a routine that's worked great until practically the day Ezra turned 7 months.

That morning while I was making her bottles for the day when I heard CLANK CLANK CLANK from the end of the kitchen. I turn around to find the baby's got one of the dog's bowls in her hand and is banging it against the other one. She had followed me across the dining room and into the kitchen.

And each day since brings with it more speed and agility. And so goes my last little bit of freedom. And while I'm so happy to see the growth in my sweet baby girl, I don't know if I'm quite ready for the whirlwind that is sure to follow. The fall is always a busy time for us, and we've practically booked out every weekend for the rest of the year already. And I know what that means. It means before I know it, it's going to be February and Ezra will be a walking, talking one-year-old.

Ezra's crawling has provided Minnie with a full blown stalker. At present, Minnie's not too happy about this. And I don't really see that changing until Ezra learns to throw a tennis ball. This poor dog has no idea what's headed her way in the coming months: the loss of the freedom of a doggie door; no more food left out at her disposal; and no where left to hide. Bear down Minnie, it's going to be a wild ride.


Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

I've been meaning to warn you, you must now start keeping the lids on the toilets closed at all times. That's usually next on the list. She'll discover the water and you'll hear splashing. Good luck.

barefoot-n-pregnant said...

Great, can't wait

gothgrannie said...

Your video is about worn out, I can't get enough watching our cutie pie...looks like she wants to help mommie with the laundry! She is just toooooo cute!!! I do feel a little sorry for Minnie, the look on her face is priceless..."oh, so now I have to share my doggie door too?" You are right, Katie, it goes fast, enjoy each and every minute that you can.

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

I think I heard her say she misses Grams and wants me to come see her tomorrow.