As the Labor Day weekend draws to a close the husband and I sit back exhausted, but very satisfied. We spent much of the weekend on home improvement projects around the house, I suppose ours was a Manual Labor Day. We painted our dining room the most delicious dove gray. It's dark and luxurious and really makes our white plantation blinds and light fixtures stand out. We arrived at this color only after I painted practically the entire room a very wrong color, and the hubs dragged me back to the home store and re-picked the color himself. And I must say, I love it. He knows what I wanted more than I did apparently.
After applying the last coat and replacing all the old yellowed outlets with spiffy new modern ones to match the room, baby-proofed of course, we felt compelled to rearrange some light fixtures. See, this is how it happens, one thing leads to another and the next thing you know you've dropped more money that you would have spent on a weekend in Vegas and they're calling you by your first name at Lowe's. But it was great fun. At least I thought so. I don't think the husband was too excited to repaint all the walls, but hey, a little extra exercise can only be good for you, right?
The finished dining room, (night shot), the room is FULL of light during the day.

The fixture that was in the hallway, now in the nook.

Looks great, I love the color! The lights are super retro, very stylish!
Love it, love it, love it! That is one talented hubby you have...he must get it from his mother...NOT!!! It really turned out very nice and can't wait to see it first hand. Now, enough pictures of the house, more of the baby!!!!
LOL @ gothgrannie.
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