Candy shows the cake

Last Sunday my mother-in-law, Candy, and sister-in-law Sara, gave me a beautiful baby shower. It was held at Candy's house here in San Antonio, and Sara came all the way from Louisiana to help out. We had quiche, salad greens, and assorted fruit as well as a beautiful cake that said "Welcome Baby White." And we played several games, but for me the most fun was definitely the attributes game. Everyone is given a list of attributes and they check off whether they think the baby will have Mom's or Dad's nose, eyes, intelligence, etc. Then the player that matches mine the closest wins a prize. Some of my answers included Travis' eyes, my organization, and Travis' feet (he has a crooked toe, Mady has it as well, and I hope our baby has it too, it would be too cute). We were blessed withe the presence of old and new friends, as well as family.

Sara and Me

Megan, Mary, and Andi

Homemade Diaper Dresses
in the hippest fabric

Emery holds Boog the Bear
while I show off my beautiful
new curtain fabric
Daddy and Mommy
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