We've reached the 17 week mark and everything is going well. I had my last doctor's appointment on Friday the 12th and got to hear the heartbeat. I have to admit that I was a little nervous because I go a month between each visit and I often wonder if all is okay because it's too early to feel movement. So when you hear the heartbeat loud and clear it's a relief and it brings a big silly smile to my face. My doctor said I could start feeling movement soon and we scheduled an ultrasound for October 3rd at 4:30 p.m. As long as the kid cooperates we should be able to find out the sex at that point. My belly's starting to grow, I'm too big for my breeches now, and still too small for maternity, so finding something to wear everyday is definitely an exercise in creativity. Apparently I've gained six pounds and I guess that's okay, all my doctor said upon examining my belly was that it looked like I was growing well.
I've been feeling great though, and I'm still not getting any weird cravings yet, except f

or milk maybe, I've been wanting to drink several glasses a day. So I guess if I'm going to have one, that's a good craving to have.
According to babycenter.com our baby weighs about 5 ounces this week -- about as much as a turnip. (Length: 5 inches, head to bottom.)